Read Gen. 3.
Have you ever noticed that Satan challenges Eve's identity when he is laying the trap for her to eat the apple? He says, "For God knows that when you eat of it your eyes will be opened, and you will be like God, knowing good and evil." He inverts the natural order of "being" right here! Let me explain:
We read that God creates Adam and Eve himself in Chapter 2:7. The creation of humankind has special significance because God does not "speak them into being" as He had the rest of creation. Instead we read that he forms mankind from the dust of the ground - and then breathes life into them. From the moment they are given life WHO they are is (literally) from God Himself. Only after they have their identity (which is elaborated on in the latter half of Chapter 2) then they are given the command to tend the garden, and it is because of WHO they are (and who they are called to be) that God commands them not to eat of the tree of knowledge of good and evil (Gen.2:16-17). What they are to do is established as a result of WHO they are. Their deeds (or what they should not do) flows out of their identity.
Then, when Satan comes along - he not only causes Eve to question God's character but he twists around God's created order for "being." In essence, Satan says to Eve 'Do this (eat of the tree)...which will make you like this (God). WOW! Do something and this will make you someone.
God had established WHO Adam and Eve and their deeds flowed out of who they were called to be. Satan twists this and says...do this...and it will make WHO you are.
There really is nothing new under the sun.
Pic: courtesy of: http://lostprovince.net/illustrations/images/Serpent.jpg
1 comment:
Very intriguing Manda.
I understand what you're saying and you're right there is nothign new under the sun. The boy uses the same tactics all the time.
I noticed what you said, "Satan twists this and says...do this...and it will make WHO you are." see how his goal is to make you focus on yourself. and what satan wants is.. for you to not realize the power you have as a child of God. To take your mind off of what and who God made you. You are more powerful when you know WHO you are, the beloved creation of God.
Moreover, if you read the story of creation closely again, God never said to nto eat of the fruit to Eve herself... God only said it to Adam. It was Adam's job to teach that to Eve. Thus Satan looked to Eve first because she didn't have God's word, Adam did. So Eve probably could have ate as much fruit as she wanted but it was Adam who had to disobey which caused the Fall giving satan the riegns to rule this world. But then again Jesus changed all that on the cross hence the words "Greater is He who is in me than he who is in the world". The Spirit in you is greater than satan who is in the world. We now have been given the image, the WHO we are back to us. This has to be in our hearts and not just in our heads! God has established us to reign victorious in this life! Hallelujah!!! We are already standing on victory ground my friend. We don't need to try to get on victory ground because of Jesus' finished work!
Rayray (aka - Tsaian, big ray, vball ray, chinaman ray!)
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